Monday, October 19, 2009

Basketball, School, and Non profit

Posted by AveryJ2424 | Monday, October 19, 2009 | Category: |

2009-2010 NCAA Men's Basketball has begun! Friday at 5pm was our first practice. Its been a long summer and preseason. The Italy trip being the highlight! Through all the weight lifting, individual workouts with the coaches and conditioning tests, I think I have improved my game. I'm in the best preseason shape that Ive been in since I started college. I'm ready to get this season started. Its going to be a big season for Butler Basketball. We have a tough schedule and we will be highly exposed this year. We are in the preseason top 25 and we possibly have the most talented team in Butler history. Two of our players were nominated for the Naismith award. This weekend we have our Blue and White intrasquad scrimmage and in two weeks we have our first exhibition game. The season will be here very soon.

anxious to see what role I will be playing this year on the team. I would like to play more of the power forward position so that I can face up more and shoot from the outside more. We have an incoming freshman that is six foot eleven inches and we of course have our starting center Matt Howard, so hopefully they will take the center position and I can play more power forward. This season will be very tough because we will have a "target on our back" the whole season. Because we are ranked and so highly exposed, every team we play will want to beat us even more. I look forward to the challenge!

School is going okay. Its been rough lately. Ive had 4 tests in the past three weeks. All four of the tests have been really hard, even though I have spent many hours staying up late to study. The test I had in Analog Physics was so hard that the teacher is letting everyone retake it on Wednesday. I decided to withdraw from my Fluid Mechanics class because the class load was too much to handle with basketball and I know it will be even harder when the season starts. Ive been trying to stay on top of all my homework, labs, and other assignments so that I can cushion my test grades. I think I will be fine.

JFK is going so so... I am STILL in the process of sending the books to Africa. I am making process though. The head of the campus post office has been helping me a lot. She has gotten me a few price quotes and connected me with the UPS Foundation again. The air freight through Fed Ex was around $8,500! The ocean freight, which takes 42 days was only around $2,800. The ocean route is fine, but that is still a lot more than I would like to spend. I would like to have as much as money possible to go towards scholarships in January. Ive been working the last couple of weeks on trying to set up a food drive with a few local public schools to get food to donate to a local Indianapolis food bank. Its been a slow process but I think I have a few schools. I also started today to work on a toy drive for Christmas. The toy drive will be at the Butler Men's basketball game on Dec. 5th when we play Valparaiso. If you bring a toy, you will receive a free limited edition t-shirt. The toys will be given to a local charity, TBD. Lastly, I am still moving in slow motion on planning next years fundraiser. I've just been too busy.

-Avery Jukes, Forward-Butler University Basketball

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