Thursday, November 14, 2013

Is Your Child Ready to Play Basketball?

Posted by Anonymous | Thursday, November 14, 2013 | Category: |

Determining when a child should begin participation in organized sports.

Organized sports for children and preadolescents provide an opportunity for increased physical activity. Sports provide an opportunity to learn sports and team skills in an environment where risks of participation can potentially be “controlled”.

  • Basic motor skills
  • Increasing physical activity
  • Learning social skills necessary to work as a team
  • Learning good sportsmanship
  • More important……. HAVING FUN.

The effects of immaturity on sports participation are more obvious when we are dealing with children and preadolescents. When the demands of the sport exceed a child's cognitive and physical development, the child may develop feelings of failure and frustration. Even with coaches available to teach rules and skills of a sport, children may not be ready to learn or understand what is being taught. Children may not be able to cope with the idea that they just lost, or did not do as well as they wanted to.

Equipment is also an issue when deciding if children are ready to participate in a specific sport. Is the equipment made for that age group, have they been properly taught how to use the equipment.  It is important for your child to use the proper size basketball and goal height.  The reason behind that is so they do not pick up bad shooting habits. Those kids who started too early usually shoot with two hands, because when they started shooting the basketball they were not strong enough to reach the 10 foot goal.

Issues related to early and late maturation and the impact on future athletic success.

Early Maturation
-Early and unrealistic expectations: expect too much from a player at an early age.
-Athlete is bigger, faster, stronger than peers at earlier age: Can lead to the athlete not being challenged as they progress because he/she is the best player and take this for granted. In the long run, the athlete might not be pushed to develop his/her work ethic.
-Athlete may be physically mature, but not have matured mentally.
+Athlete may gain more attention and opportunities because he/she stands out and can be discovered.
+Can develop leadership skills and opportunities because he/she is looked up to.

Late Maturation
-Athletes can be discouraged from playing, from struggling against bigger kids.
-May have fewer opportunities because they are overlooked.
-Can be excluded or loose opportunities when cuts are needed.
+Can be a motivating factor to push kids to work harder and develop stronger work ethic
+May peek closer to important time of athletic life, for example, instead of developing in 7th grade, athlete may develop later in high school
+May develop better understanding of skills because they can't rely on physical prowess early

The Elite Hoops Way

These are the primary reasons why we at Elite Hoops Basketball stress the importance of making sure your children are in the right skill session and skill group within the skill session. Our goal is to be able to able to progress the player at the rate that they can manage. Each player is different, we may be able to push some harder than others, that does not mean you child is not improving. There is more to basketball than putting the ball in the hoop. We want to be able to form the complete player that way they love the game for years to come. Please be sure to watch us on YouTube!

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