On day 1 of NIKE Basketball Camp at Stockbridge High School, coaches emphasized the importance of proper form when shooting layups. Players worked on drills during warm-ups, stations and Living by Numbers that all emphasized form layup shooting.
Coaches expect players at any level to be able to shoot layups with proper form. Players were taught that, to shoot a right hand layup from the right side of the basket, they would jump off of their left foot and have their right hand and right knee in the air as the ball is released toward the basket. To shoot a left hand layup from the left side of the basket, players need to jump off of their right foot and have their left hand and left knee in the air as the ball is released toward the basket.
For players who were having trouble with form coaches taught them a drill called "block layups." When preforming the block layup drill players, start with both feet on the right block to work on right hand layups. Players take one step off the block with their left foot, and jumping straight up toward the basket with the ball in their right hand with your right knee in the air. Some players practiced this drill, until they became comfortable shooting the layup consistently with proper form.
Players were told to practice these drills until they became comfortable shooting layups consistently with proper form. Players form improved throughout the day and culminated in some pretty high scores in the Living by Number's Mikan competition! Players were definitely getting 1% better!
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